Reports on the economy frequently lead into a discussion about the level of job creation. Yet few details are ever revealed about what new jobs have been created. One 21st-century job goes unmentioned. One forward step in the effort to improve job creation evolved from the creation of knitting machines.
Knitting machines operate under the control of the knitting machine operator. These individuals process yarn or thread and work it into a 3oven or knit fabric. Sometimes the operators of the knitting machines manage to weave the yarn or thread into fine lace or delicate hosiery. On occasion, the operators of the knitting machines set-up and adjust the equipment. Always these operators need to inspect the product coming out of the knitting machines.
Armed with the knowledge that knitting machines have created a new career the knitting machine operator vocational trainers need to become familiar with the primary requirements of that position. In other words, if a student of that trainer hopes to become a knitting machine operator, then what qualities should he or she possess?
The knitting machine operator must be able to stand for many hours. The knitting machines are large, and their operation requires that one stand next to them. Therefore, the knitting machine operator must possess the needed stamina for maintaining a day-to-day routine of standing.
The knitting machine operator must also be able to climb onto platforms. Ascending stairs and getting onto a platform can only access some parts of the knitting machines. The person who hopes to operate a knitting machine must be prepared to make such an ascent.
The knitting machine operator must be able to tolerate a lot of noise. The knitting machines make a lot of noise as they manipulate their yarn or thread. The operator can use earplugs, but not everyone likes to use earplugs. If someone wants to avoid both earplugs and noise, then that individual should not seek to work with knitting machines.
Finally, the knitting machine operator should be familiar with computers. After all, the knitting machines are computer-controlled. The person who is to be working with, and possibly performing repairs on, the knitting machines should therefore know something about computers.
Vocational trainers need to study the above requirements and then they need to look again at the strengths and the skills of their students. Those students who meet the above requirements and those students who have an interest in working as a knitting machine operator should be challenged into the type of training that best prepares them for the use of knitting machines.
What type of training would be most useful? Probably anything, that would increase the student’s perceptions. Such training could guarantee a decent inspection of the goods that will be coming off of the knitting machines. Such training could insure delivery to the dedicated student of future success as a knitting machine operator. It could guarantee the continued ability of the knitting machines to provide many future students with a satisfying job option.
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