it starts with the cravings ...
For those of us who crave inspiration, Quilting Arts Magazine is designed to provide just that and more.
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As textile and quilt artists, our muse is often demanding and adventurous. She is always looking over our shoulder, and never more so than when we settle down with a cup of coffee, pull out our latest copy of Quilting Arts Magazine and settle down for a pleasurable hour or two with our favorite publication.
... then there's the frenzyThe articles in the magazine are designed to inspire, whet our appetite for the unusual, and drive us into a frenzy of creative activity.
Articles on using Angelina fibers will have us daydreaming about butterfly wings and glittery things. Stories about fabric dyeing offer us the opportunity to shroud our sewing room in luscious multi-colored streamers of rainbows. Trading cards and little inchies are suddenly dancing across our vision, mesmerizing and tantalizing.
... then the call to actionAnd suddenly our muse is called to action. Slowly she drags us to the nearest computer and inexplicably we find ourselves online with our favorite quilting arts vendor, adding stuff to the shopping cart - stuff we can barely pronounce but it sounds intriguing, and then adding more stuff because the color is captivating, and yet more stuff because maybe we'll find a use for it somewhere, someday.
By now, of course, we have our own credit card dedicated to our obsession of the quilting arts and the number is retained in memory from so many similar expeditions. As we click the final checkout button, we let out a sigh of anticipation, stare out the window and wait for the postman to deliver our parcel.
Then our muse, smirking and fulfilled, slinks away to the corner to patiently wait for the next opportunity to pounce; slyly hoping that the next issue of Quilting Arts Magazine is but a short mail delivery away.
recovery ?As we slowly recover from our muse-induced hypnotic state and our eyes finally manage to focus on the receipt we are holding in our hands, realization slowly dawns ... uh, oh. What the heck did I just order? And how much of it? And it cost ... what?
Perspiration forms on our brow and our hearts start to race as our mind tries to calculate how we're going to pay for all this. Well we have at least a month to worry about that before the visa bill comes in. Let's just hope our next issue of Quilting Arts Magazine doesn't arrive before the visa bill does, otherwise we really will be in trouble.
And where the heck did that muse suddenly disappear to? Strange how that happens.
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