A quilt made with love, forever holds love inside it; reflecting the passion of the quilter and the care they put into every stitch. But along with the skill and love for quilting that goes into each quilt, is the quilting material itself. While there is general quilting material that is used across the board, each quilt distinguishes itself by the style, color, and texture of the quilting material that is selected.
One of the benefits of quilting in general is the freedom of creativity it provides the quilter. The choices of quilting material are only limited by the quilt maker’s imagination; what results is a truly unique quilt that completely reflects the personality of the quilter. The quilting material that you choose wholly determines the look and feel of your finished quilt.
Generations ago, quilts were constructed out of need, and quilt makers used the scraps of fabric that were available to them, resulting in a mosaic of quilting material of all different styles, colors, and textures. There was beauty in this simplicity and these quaint quilts of yesteryear are often still cherished keepsakes today.
The quilts of today are infinitely more sophisticated, but the idea is still the same – take a myriad of quilting material that may not stand on its own but, together, results in a cohesive and stunning design. Pulling the quilting material together is the job of the quilt maker – choosing fabric, and with the use of quilting needles and thread – constructing a masterpiece based on a personal design or one found through a quilting template.
Quilting material can be found at a variety of fabric stores where you can shop at your leisure and explore different templates and designs. There are online offerings as well through a variety of websites.
Take your time choosing your quilting material. The result will be a quilt that reflects the quality and workmanship that you put into it.
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